Calling all Espresso Martini Lovers, we have a fun treat for you to try! February is all about spreading the love, and we want to share with you, one of our favorites!

In collaboration with VanGogh Vodka and DŌ, The Mixx had so much fun helping bring this fun and dynamic campaign to life. To read more about the creative process, check out our interview with Harry Harris, one of the masterminds behind it all! Using one of VanGogh Vodka’s flavors, Double Espresso is the perfect spirit to mixx things up in this tasty drink!
Drink Name: Coffee Date
Inspiration: Combining DŌ’s tasty cookie dough with VanGoghs smooth Double Espresso flavor is the perfect after-dinner drink paired with some delicious cookies!
The Mixx (Ingredients):
½ oz. VanGogh Double Espresso Vodka
½ oz. Almond Milk
¾ oz. Chocolate Syrup

1 tsp. Peanut Butter
1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream
Blend all ingredients until smooth and pour into a smoothie glass. Garnish with whipped cream, peanut crumbles, and cherry. Pairs with Espresso crunch DŌ.