Full Stop at the Full Moon

August 25, 2022
3 min read

By Olympia Lambert

“I’d rather stab my thigh than my head.”
- Mixx Art Director, Pedro Peguero

I know everyone is anxiously on pins and needles awaiting to better understand the context of that comment - in particular the PINNING element. It was one of those purely perfect “eureka moments” that happened at one of our offsite workshops, where the above apple and Mixx team pin came together in a perfect combo not unlike the perfect match- and mashup of chocolate and peanut butter.

For what better represents NY and the heritage of The Mixx than a BIG APPLE being pierced through by a colorful team pin - meant to be placed on either a logo-emblazoned swag hat, or bag. In this case, Pedro chose pinning on his shorts, rather than the hat, to properly represent 🙂

So, yes… The Mixx just returned from our annual agency off-site held at the Full Moon Resort in Big Indian, NY, and we’re still recovering.

This Catskills respite loomed large for us in terms of the meaning behind it - regrouping, resetting, and rejuvenating as a team - and boy, did it ever!

Though we did an immense amount of client work throughout the week, we also used the time to reconnect as a group in ways in this post-COVID world we have recently not been able to.

When COVID hit in March of 2020, The Mixx was a total of 21 full time employees.

We are now at 48, and continue to grow exponentially. But part of that growth comes with the “new normal” of virtual WFH - where we see each other daily inside our little Zoom boxes, but never get to experience the terrific Brady Bunch moments that come with direct contact.

With a team now hailing from all ports of call - Los Angeles, Boulder, CO; Dallas, TX; Atlanta, GA; Columbus, OH and more - the Catskills was our new “home base” for the week..

Throughout the retreat there were so many laughs and smiles - and moments of sheer fun and embarrassment (Karaoke, anyone?) that it made us understand that when we add up each of our individual uniqueness it’s what makes us such a strong team.

From messaging workshops to listening to Thomas Ranesse, the former CMO of Uber speak to us on the client perspective, the offsite gave us a chance to grow as a team - getting to better understand each of our challenges - whether coming from leadership and operations, account and project management, strategy, messaging or creative, we all work best when we work together… as a team!

Though our time was brief, we all loved being surrounded by nature’s beauty– getting greeted each morning (or dinner) by a bear, deer or frog; eating s’mores under the stars by a raging campfire; listening to each other’s tone-deaf renditions of classic and contemporary hitmakers - and truthfully unplugging from our 29th and 7th Ave. concrete jungle.

Here’s to more memorable Mixx moments that continue to bring us together so we can keep pushing our clients - and each other - ever forward!



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